Monday, July 5, 2010

33% and nuggets...

Hello all,
I am at 33%!!! Can any one say incredible? INCREDIBLE! I have raised over $23,000. Woah! The Lord can do amazing things!

A buddy of mine whom I met back in January at New Staff training and Cross Cultural Orientation, Amanda, recently moved to Germany with MCYM. She sent out an email yesterday about the summer camps that she has been able to partake in in Italy with her new kids. It was inspirational. She shared a story about one girl who came to meet Christ and it was rejuvenating to read...(here is an excerpt)

"a girl in my group, is just one of the most adorable, innocent kids we have coming to club. She is very sweet and very funny. On our 4th day of camp she said to me, "Miss Amanda can I talk to you alone. I was like sure. She then proceeded to say to me (with her hands on her hips), "Miss Amanda I have decided that I want to have a relationship with Jesus and I am very very happy about it." She then asked me if Jesus was a having a dance party for her in Heaven with glow sticks (to put this into context, the night before we had this epic dance party with glow sticks, and there was a skit where the good guys were fighting the bad guys and battling them, and then the good guys won and had a dance party). With tears in my eyes I said to her, they most definitely are."

Fundraising is a tough process but God throws nuggets of awesomeness at you to remind you about the things he has in store for you. Yesterday we had a guest preacher, Elizabeth at church. In our staff meeting before worship a coworker of mine mentioned "Meagan will be at the church for a month longer because she's going to Germany with Young Life". He then said to Elizabeth,"you should support her". She responded with , "Young Life?! Okay yeah! I'll support her!" Elizabeth and I then realized we were both at Saranac (a young life camp in upstate New York) last year with the same group... Man it's a small world and man God is awesome.

Speaking of awesome...check out this site:

"Through Him all things are possible" Phillipians 4:13

1 comment:

  1. Meagan, this is awesome! I am so happy that you have found your calling and are saving up to perform some awesome work for God. I have to say that you are an inspiration to me. Even though you are leaving the youth group soon, I have seen amazing things from you. I can't wait until you have the entire amount of money that you need! Praying for ya! See ya soon. :)

